The first weekend in October, I was given the opportunity to be the principal photographer at a cousin’s wedding. I have taken many pictures over the years, but was never “depended on” for wedding photography, so it was a bit of a challenge. I took around 290 pictures and ended up with about 95 that I really liked. Here are a few of my favorites, but which one is yours, and why?

This was the money shot for me, the sprinkle of Utah snow on the Autumn leaves, with green Summer grass in the foreground and Spring flowers in the bouquet.

An alternate to the “all four seasons shot” with a good pose and of course, a kiss…

I love how this one turned out, the pose is perfect.

I like the pose on this one as well, very natural, a “real” kiss, and no forcing of a pose.

I love shots like this one, with the bride looking at her groom from behind.

I also like this one, because though from a technical standpoint is fairly the same, the fact that he has turned to look at her makes it especially intriguing to me.

In this shot, I love how the couple fades into the background; while they are not the focus of the shot, they are still visible enough to add interest to the main focus, the bouquet.

I love the rings balanced on the flowers and on each other, the symbolism is great.

The full album can be seen here