Creations out of the ordinary

Tag tree

Putting up the Christmas Tree (Time Lapse)

My kids decided to take it upon themselves to put up (and decorate) the Christmas tree this past weekend. So, while I was outside tinkering, they got the job done. I set the camera to 5 second interval time lapse,… Continue Reading →

Big Tree State Park, California

I recently had the chance to take my family on a vacation to California. One of the locations we visited was Big Tree State Park. While Northern California is known for the redwood forest, the predominant tree here was sequoia…. Continue Reading →

Spring Color Palettes

You have to hand it to Mother Nature. Her colors always look like they go together. She uses just the right shade of green to go with the yellow she picked. Orange, red and purple go together because her shades… Continue Reading →

Snow Day

If I had to have a snow day, it wouldn’t be all bad to spend it like this…. Purchase Print

Autumn in Utah 2012 II

I hiked to Timpanogos Cave National Monument last Saturday, and besides the wonderful weather, the views were amazing. I thought I’d share them.

Autumn in Utah 2012

Autumn in Utah is unbelievable. It definitely ties (if not beats) New England for fall colors. My 10 year old had a community education ceramics class today near the mouth of American Fork Canyon. So, I dropped her off and… Continue Reading →

Trip to Ophir

My brother-in-law and sister invited us to Ophir to go camping. I am not a huge fan of camping. I like everything leading up to sleeping in a tent, and then everything the next day, just the overnight part that… Continue Reading →

Winding Road HDR

Okay, so this is my first attempt at HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photography. It’s more what the eyes see, but exaggerated. To create this photo, I used 3 photos. One that exposed the photo for the brightness of the sky,… Continue Reading →

Lake Tree

Spring Runoff

Pretty Perches

Green Mists

Paper Sunset

The Enchanted Tree


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