I recently acquired a wood lathe manufactured sometime during the late 1970’s / early 1980’s. It is a spindle lathe meaning it has a long bed, but only a 12″ clearance for the spindle. At any rate, I haven’t used a lathe since high school wood shop class, so I was a little nervous to use it. My wife purchased a bowl turning class from Woodcraft for me for Father’s day, and I was finally able to use it mid-August. I purchased a few carbide tools, a faceplate and 4-jaw chuck and haven’t looked back. I hope to replace it at some point, but it does most everything I need it to. I have to manually change the speed between 4 pullies, and it doesn’t reverse, so that makes sanding a bit more of a pain, but overall, I am satisfied with it’s capabilities.
One of the things I have enjoyed turning – prolifically is small bowls. I have some white oak and maple logs cut from my yard and have spent quite a bit of time in the garage honing my technique. As you can see from the examples below, I have tried quite a few different styles. They are available for sale on my Etsy shop at https://photokapi.etsy.com/

Hope you enjoyed seeing them as much as I enjoyed making them. Again, they are available for sale on my Etsy shop at https://photokapi.etsy.com/
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