One of the things I started making recently was puzzles. Puzzles seem to be the quarantine “thing to do” and while huge complex puzzles have never been my cup of tea, I have enjoyed making these smaller sized puzzles to use as gifts, valentines, etc. They are dainty, yet beautiful display as art, besides put together. They are for sale at my Etsy shop here:
Tetris-Style Puzzles
I made these using Tetris-style blocks with maple and walnut. It was a lot of work to design them and end up with hearts as well as a square border, though as you can see, they are not exact 4-block Tetris blocks.
Contained Heart Puzzle
I made, with contrasting woods, a combination of padauk, maple, and walnut, with secondary piece of wood (grain going the opposite direction) glued below for a tray of sorts to hold the puzzle together.
Cat Puzzle
I made these by first, having my daughter draw the cats with pencil, then digitally, then finally converting to a cut pattern I could use on the laser cutter. They were fun to invent.
Bee Mine Puzzle
I came up with these by using a honey-comb pattern to lay out the puzzle, then combining the middle 7 pieces to be the center image. Made of maple.
Free-form Tri-color hearts
I made these using padauk, walnut and maple, and again using the puzzle overlay, I combined pieces after slicing them to make distinct shapes, then adjusted for a laser cut out. Super fun.
If you are interested in purchasing a Glowforge for yourself, you can find more information and purchase one here:
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