I am the owner, Chief Creative Director, and several other fancy-sounding words at Photokapi.com. I enjoy photography, graphic design, and web development, as well as home renovation, furniture restoration and gardening. I have an amazing wife and have five children that keep me on my toes. Read more »
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April 19, 2010 at 3:52 pm
You know what would be an amazing grouping? Sine Wave, Metal Curves and Old Gas Pumps. Wow, that would be as interesting and bold as any three of your farm shots would be interesting and emotive. By themselves, the above mentioned three are visually stunning. But they would be show pieces together. The framing of the shots are perfect, the monotone color scheme is powerful and they are just so clean and hard-edged (except for the bottom part of Sine Wave, but the fine white lines looping up more than make up for that and leave the overall image sharp. I would love to get my hands on an empty room and groupings of your photos, the three above really stand out, but groupings of your red rock landscapes would be beautiful, as would groupings of your mountains and flowers, there are so many ways to put your farm equipment shots together because you have such a range of close and farther shots. I can just see it. You’re going to sell some to me when I figure this out, right?
April 19, 2010 at 8:30 pm
December 16, 2010 at 7:29 pm
The school teacher in me thinks the little white lights in rows, look like dotted lines for children to practice their handwriting on. In this case, the child turned his (or her) paper sideways, and then used a white pen…it looks like a long session of trying to make sure the pen was going to work. 🙂