Creations out of the ordinary

Tag grunge

Passionately Apathetic

Some days, I just feel so: Purchase T-Shirt

Wasted Talents

I feel like this so often — especially recently; I haven’t used many of the talents I’ve been given. I really need to start making better use of them. Purchase Print

Blurred Grunge Textures

These textures are 2500 x 2500 pixels and free for you to use. You may not sell them, but you may use them and sell what you make with them. Enjoy! Download Blurred Grunge

Before You Quit, Remember Why You Started

Purchase Print

Two Views Same Alley

I took these two photos when I was out on a job interview. Looking at them afterward, I was struck with the difference that layout makes (portrait vs landscape).  The landscape version seems much deeper than the vertical version, while… Continue Reading →

Grunge Textures III

More grunge textures — 2000 pixels x 2000 pixels. Enjoy!

Grunge Textures II

Ten more grunge textures. This time 1000 pixels by 1000 pixels. Free for whatever you want. Have fun!

Grunge Textures

Want to add a grunge look to your creations? Try these free Grunge textures. They are 600 pixels by 600 pixels, and can be used by anyone for anything. Have fun! Click on each image, then right-click to save, or… Continue Reading →

Come what may, and love it

It is with no small amount of thought that I write this post. Since January 2010, I have been posting photos daily. It started as a way to improve my photography by forcing me to get out and take more… Continue Reading →

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