Creations out of the ordinary

Category projects

Wooden Marble Track

I was recently commissioned to make a wooden marble track for a friend’s grandchildren. It was constructed out of oak with babinga accents. It was a lot of fun to make, and I had several ideas on how to make… Continue Reading →

Rustic Picture Frame / Shadow Box

A co-worker of mine collects fossils and was looking for something to display some Megaladon (pre-historic shark) teeth. I had some old lumber laying around, and decided to make him a rustic frame using glass from an old picture frame,… Continue Reading →

Building a Garden Storage Shed

Once upon a time, I had a 3 car garage. I could work in my garage without moving cars anything else. It was awesome. Currently, my two car garage (which only fits one car) is also my workshop, so I… Continue Reading →

Rustic Napkin Rings

With the holidays just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to make some rustic napkin rings for Thanksgiving Dinner and other holiday festivities. They are super simple, though boring through the branch pieces can be a bit… Continue Reading →

Neckerchief Slides (and Drill Press Lathe)

My two boys are always losing their cub scout neckerchief slides, so I decided to make them some new ones. It was a fun project, but one takeaway was — I need a lathe. Any recommendations? Also, I need to… Continue Reading →

Vintage Fire Extinguisher to Lamp

I found an old fire extinguisher in my grandfather’s garage after he passed away, and decided to turn it into a lamp. The whole project took around 12-14 hours, but it was worth it in the end. Below are the… Continue Reading →

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