Creations out of the ordinary

Tag t-shirts

Percy Jackson Obsession

My daughter is rather obsessed with the Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan. As her father, I feel it is my duty, that if she is going to “fangirl”, she should do so in the best way possible, with something I… Continue Reading →

Passionately Apathetic

Some days, I just feel so: Purchase T-Shirt

Giraffe With A Corner Office

Another Day, Another Animal T-shirt! Giraffe’s are snappy dressers; everyone knows that. Jerry the Giraffe here mixes stripes with spots, but he makes it work. He’s tall. Yet, somehow he always gets looked over for that promotion. Who knows why?… Continue Reading →

Teenage Average Aqua Turtle

New t-shirt design is up; Who needs mutant land turtles when you can have average aquatic turtles? Yeah, nobody, that’s who! Purchase T-Shirt

Hashtag T-Shirt

Like ‪#‎tweeting‬? Use ‪#‎hashtags‬ too much? This is the ‪#‎shirt‬ for you!

CSS T-Shirt

For those who don’t know, I spend my days doing web development. I truly enjoy what I do most of the time (insert Internet Explorer joke here). In a nod towards that, I created this t-shirt.

Lucky the Dog

The love of a pet just can’t be bought, but the t-shirt about that special dog can: Purchase T-Shirt

Guys, I Know Kung Fu!

My latest T-shirt creation based on the TV show “Chuck” that I am re-watching via Netflix. Such a fun, nerdy show. I highly recommend it. If you want the t-shirt, it’s on sale for $14 until the 14th of March…. Continue Reading →

Keep Calm and Carrion T-Shirt

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Imagine Dragons Radioactive T-Shirt

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Stormtrooper Blaster Target Cheat Sheet T-Shirt

  Can’t remember which team you are supposed to be hitting with your errant blaster shots? This cheat sheet will save you the embarrassment of shooting the wrong life form. Wear on your day off to help you memorize your… Continue Reading →

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