Creations out of the ordinary

Tag shirts

Fun T-Shirt Designs

Over the course of the past few years I have accumulated quite a few fun designs I have made into T-shirts on TeePublic. They also have stickers, notebooks, mugs, throws, bags, magnets and pins with the designs on them if… Continue Reading →

Proud Member of the S.S. Don’t Care T-Shirt

You know, because, sometimes, you just can’t even. Design is also available on blankets, mugs, notebooks or stickers. Purchase S.S. Don’t Care Design

A Tale of Two Kitties T-Shirt

The second in a series of T-Shirts based on classic literature. This one is based on Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. This is a variant on that, because — cats. Only lighter colored shirts are available due to… Continue Reading →

Quoth The Raven, Nevermore…

I have started to design some shirts based on classic literature. This is the first one, The Raven, by Edgar Allen Poe. I have a Charles Dickens’ based one coming soon. Are there any that you would like to see?… Continue Reading →

Y’all Yeti For This? T-Shirt

Are you ready for this? Bigfoot’s cousin, The Abominable Snowman sure is… Let’s get this party started! Purchase T-Shirt

Boba the Hutt

Little is known about the brother of Jabba. Or why he wasn’t hired to acquire Han Solo. A falling out? Too slimy and slow to catch anyone? Maybe we’ll never know… Purchase T-Shirt

Stop Cyber-Bullying

The Daleks? Bullies. The Master? A Bully. The Vashta Nerada? The Weeping Angels? The Silence? Bullies. And the Cybermen? Also HUGE bullies. Purchase Shirt

Percy Jackson Obsession

My daughter is rather obsessed with the Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan. As herĀ father, I feel it is my duty, that if she is going to “fangirl”, she should do so in the best way possible, with something I… Continue Reading →

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