Creations out of the ordinary

Tag sacramento

Those Who Went Before

When I recently went to the Sacramento California Cemetery, I noticed so many headstones that simply read “Mother” and “Father” on them. Some had additional details, some didn’t. The sheer amount of variety also intrigued me. It was fascinating how important… Continue Reading →

Sacramento Cemetery

I find headstones fascinating, and on my trip to Sacramento California, we walked around the Sacramento Cemetery. There were some pretty interesting memorials, including a mausoleum to one of the founders of the railroad (Mark Hopkins) that was massive, and… Continue Reading →

California State Railroad Museum

One of my fondest memories of my father was a train set he had in the attic. (Our attic was livable space). He had an 5′ x 25′ foot train track set up and we would run the trains for… Continue Reading →

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