One of the things I’ve struggled with as a parent is teaching my kids to look past the “gimme, gimme” of Christmas lists, and also look for ways they can serve and help others. With that in mind, I came… Continue Reading →
With so much hate going on in the world recently, I was feeling rather saddened today and while brainstorming new ideas, I decided to do a simple design with a simple message — Love. Just Love.
Unlike a lot of men, I actually like Valentine’s Day. I like chocolate, I like to see my wife’s face light up when she gets flowers, or other small tokens of appreciation, and I actually like making gifts for her…. Continue Reading →
More Valentine freebies! Sized at 3″ x 5″ to fit on an index card, or cut them out as-is and staple them on one end, Makes a cute Valentine gift for a special someone or your children. Make them a… Continue Reading →
I was doodling today. Yep, just like a kid Jr. High that thinks it will somehow help him finish the test. I was playing around with shapes of hearts and calligraphy, and the style of Pablo Picasso crossed my mind…. Continue Reading →
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