Creations out of the ordinary

Tag books

Dead Poet’s Society Lives

They’re poets. They’re dead. They have a society in the afterlife. True story… probably. Celebrate your favorite poets from yesteryear with this fun T-shirt. Can you name each person’s first name? Extra credit: can you name a poem by each… Continue Reading →

Read the Book of Mormon in 6 months

Did you know that you can read the Book of Mormon in 6 months by only reading about 3 pages a day? This bookmark will help you follow along and keep track of where you should be each week. No… Continue Reading →

Book Report Chart

My two daughters LOVE to read. However, they currently have a hard time remembering which books they have read, and what exactly happened in the books because they read through them so fast. We check out 10 per kid at… Continue Reading →

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