I went to Bridal Veil Falls to take some fall pictures and try some water-blur photos as well. I think they turned out well, despite the harsh light and shadow.
My daughter is rather obsessed with the Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan. As her father, I feel it is my duty, that if she is going to “fangirl”, she should do so in the best way possible, with something I… Continue Reading →
As I have said many times, my kids love Superheroes. I designed this for my 8 year old son, and decided to make it available to anyone. Purchase T-Shirt
I have seen a variety of “grown-up” coloring pages floating around the web, and decided to try my hand at creating my own. With that in mind, and because both my wife and children love to color, I made these… Continue Reading →
My niece went to Jr. Prom this year, and asked me to take pictures of her group (well, her mom did, anyway). The location for the photos was an historical train depot, since it was raining that day. The lighting… Continue Reading →
My wife’s favorite superhero is Wonder Woman, so I needed to make this for her. Purchase I Fight Like a Girl T-Shirt
When I started doing this 5 years ago, little did I know I would still be doing it 5 years later. I grant you that the posts have been farther between than when I first started, but I am hoping… Continue Reading →
As a followup to the single superhero cutouts, here are smaller versions (in groupings of 16) for use in the classroom etc. I have added two additional versions (*No Capes!* as per Edna from the Incredibles request), but the rest remains… Continue Reading →
My boys (and girls) love superheroes, and love to draw them. However, the younger ones sometimes struggle to get the shape they want. I made these cut-outs for them, and though they are labeled boy/girl, they obviously can be used… Continue Reading →
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