Hey, how ’bout that — the days keep going. Here are some that all say LOVE. Because that’s what the world needs – Love, from 2 meters away. Color some more pages. Also, tag them on instagram with #photokapicoloringpages.
I made coloring pages, this time of the names of the first presidency and quorum of the 12 apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has two… Continue Reading →
Yep, Still in quarantine. Made some more pages, color the heck out of them. I’d love to see the results — tag them on instagram with #photokapicoloringpages
Much like the rest of the world, my family is in quarantine. Other than a single trip to the store for medicine, we have been home for just over 2 weeks now. One of the biggest things my kids have… Continue Reading →
I made a calendar for 2020 for individual months using my photography as the headers. It was much more time consuming to create than I thought it would be, but I enjoyed making it.
I designed these calendars to have a quick reference for the year. There are 6 designs to choose from, so there should be something that suits your fancy. Right-click and choose open in new tab to see the full-size image,… Continue Reading →
My wife wanted a gift she could give to some women she works with at church, and I had some maple drawer fronts I picked up at IKEA in their as-is section. I was able to use them to carve… Continue Reading →
I spent some time this past weekend making some Christmas ornaments. To begin, I started off by cutting squares of 1/8″ maple and bloodwood. I then glued them together cross grain, to create basically a 2-ply plywood that would be… Continue Reading →
One of the things I’ve struggled with as a parent is teaching my kids to look past the “gimme, gimme” of Christmas lists, and also look for ways they can serve and help others. With that in mind, I came… Continue Reading →
I recently had the chance to spend a weekend in the mountains of Utah at a cabin near Mirror Lake. It was nice to get away and unplug. My family spent time playing card games, putting together puzzles and playing… Continue Reading →
I recently took some newborn photos of a family friend’s baby. They turned out adorable! Enjoy the cuteness overload.
I created some fun plaid textures you can download and use for free — on any project you want, but you can’t resell them. There are 3 sets, download link at the bottom.
I made these repeatable black and white (and white and black) alphanumeric backgrounds a while back and never shared them. The following characters are represented: A-Z 0-9 & @ $ #
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