Creations out of the ordinary

Tag music

Lutin’ Intolerant

Are you tired of people playing the lute? Everywhere you go, someone is in your face about how their lute playing is different than the the minstrel down the way? Show your disdain with this shirt. Purchase Shirt Here

Give! Said the Little Stream

“Give,” said the little stream, “Give, oh! give, give, oh! give.” “Give,” said the little stream, As it hurried down the hill; “I’m small, I know, but wherever I go The fields grow greener still.” Purchase T-Shirt

Imagine Dragons Radioactive T-Shirt

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Imagine Dragons (Radioactive)

The band Imagine Dragons has some interesting songs. One I found particularly compelling was Radioactive. Not for the content, necessarily, but specifically how the concept could be easily illustrated. So I did. Purchase Print  

Music Expresses That Which Cannot Be Put Into Words

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Music Gives Soul to the Universe

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Music Is What Feelings Sound Like

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Musical Boardwalk

Night Beats

Is It Supposed To Do That?

Grandpa and Grandson

Nice Hair For An Old Guy

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